/* Interrupts : input deboounce Utilizzare un interrupt per intercettare l'input di un interruttore momentaneo. Debounce software nella funzione richiamata. Per debounce hardware: http://www.all-electric.com/schematic/debounce.htm */ int ledPin = 13; volatile int state = LOW; void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); attachInterrupt(0, blink, FALLING); } void loop() { //digitalWrite(ledPin, state); delay(10000); // Mette in pausa Arduino per 10sec } // Funzioni void blink() // Modifica dello stato del LED { static unsigned long last_interrupt_time = 0; // This is not supposed to be global // as it's olny accesed inside this ISR // If interrupts come faster than 20ms, assume it's a bounce and ignore if (millis() - last_interrupt_time > 20) { // Azione da intraprendere state = !state; digitalWrite(ledPin, state); last_interrupt_time = millis(); } }