Arduino Projects for Dummies by Brock Craft Arduino Projects For Dummies - Code v0.3 2/2/2015 Errata corrected: * Fixed: Chapter 4 code: timeDelay changed to delayTime to be consistent with the text of the book. v0.2 26/2/2013 Errata corrected: * Fixed: Chapter 4 code syntax: timeChanged = millis(); was not within if loop brackets ------- Example code from all of the chapters is in this collection of files, including intermediate stages of the code for testing. The Libraries folder contains libraries you will need for some of the projects. Place each of the folders in the Libraries folders your /libraries/ folder on your computer. You may need to create the libraries subfolder if it's your first library. Then restart the IDE. Additional Credits: -Matrix display code adapted from -IRremote library for the Arduino by Ken Shirriff. -Adafruit GPS library written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries. BSD license, check license.txt for more information -Twitter LIbrary by Markku Rossi -Cosm code written by Adrian McEwen with modifications by Sam Mulube