/* Exercise 2, with a WHILE loop Test a random number agains a value: a iteretive loop perform 255 runs to see if a random number in range 0-255 is equal tothe target value of 200 Light a led in case Light the other LED if a run of 255 test has gone Log the results (if success) trough serialport */ // Data structure const byte GREEN = 13 ; // LED for found value const byte RED = 12 ; // LEAD for restart const int TARGET = 200 ; long randomNumber = 0L; // Staff const int WAIT = 1000 ; const int REST = 10 ; byte count = 0 ; const byte MAXRUN = 10 ; byte totalRun = 0 ; void setup() { pinMode(RED,OUTPUT); pinMode(GREEN,OUTPUT); // Serial stuff Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Initializing random sequence, please wait for results."); // Random stuff randomSeed(analogRead(0)); // Random initializer } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: digitalWrite(GREEN, LOW); digitalWrite(RED, LOW); // Serial.println(count); for (count == 0; count < 255; count++ , delay(REST)) { randomNumber = random(0,255); //Randoom value generated if (randomNumber == TARGET) { // When we catch the value Serial.print("--> Match found! Counter was at: "); // serial message Serial.println(count); digitalWrite(GREEN, HIGH); delay(WAIT * 5); digitalWrite(GREEN, LOW); count++ ; } } Serial.println("Counter resetted."); // serial staff digitalWrite(RED, HIGH); delay(WAIT); count++ ; totalRun++ ; if (totalRun == MAXRUN) { Serial.println("10 runs done, exit program."); digitalWrite(RED, HIGH); delay(WAIT); exit(0); } }