Serial.print("8 modulo 3 = "); // Calculates the remainder when one integer is divided by another.
Serial.println(8 % 3);
+ Serial.print("a incrementato ++ = "); // Increments
+ Serial.println(a++); // Increments AFTER the call
+ Serial.print("valore attuale di a: ");
+ Serial.println(a);
+ Serial.print("++a incrementato = ");
+ Serial.println(++a); // Increments BEFORE the call
+ Serial.print("b decrementato -- = "); // Decrement
+ Serial.println(b--);
+ Serial.print("valore attuale di b: ");
+ Serial.println(b);
+ Serial.print("--b decrementato = ");
+ Serial.println(--b);
void loop() // we need this to be here even though its empty